1. How can I contact you?

You can contact us by sending an email to housleeofficial@gmail.com. We will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.

2. Where are your products shipped from?

Our products are shipped from various locations depending on the supplier. We work with trusted suppliers from around the world to ensure the best quality and variety for our customers.

3. Can I get a refund on my products?

Yes, we have a 30-day return policy. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can request a return within 30 days of receiving the item. Please refer to our refund policy for more details.

4. How long does shipping take?

The shipping time varies depending on the product and the destination. Generally, it takes between 7-20 business days for your order to arrive. Please note that due to the current global situation, there may be some delays beyond our control.

5. Do you offer international shipping?

Yes, we offer international shipping to most countries. However, there may be some restrictions on certain products due to customs regulations. If you have any concerns about shipping to your country, please contact us.

6. Can I track my order?

Yes, we provide tracking information for all orders. Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email. You can use this tracking number to track the progress of your shipment.

7. What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. We also accept payment through PayPal for added convenience.

8. Are your products eco-friendly?

We strive to offer a range of eco-friendly products. While not all of our products are specifically labeled as eco-friendly, we prioritize working with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability.

9. Do you offer wholesale or bulk discounts?

Yes, we offer wholesale and bulk discounts for certain products. If you are interested in purchasing a large quantity of items, please contact us for more information and pricing.